


Universal Blogging
<!-- TITLE CLIP --><div class="title" style=" font-size: 3em; width: 6em; text-align: center; background-color: transparent; border: 0.1em solid blue; border-radius: 0.4em; padding: 0.25em; " ontouchstart=" this.style.borderColor = 'lime'; " ontouchend=" this.style.borderColor = 'blue'; " > <span style=" text-decoration: underline; text-decoration-color: blue; " > emptyFile </span> <br> <span style=" font-size: 0.5em; " > Universal Blogging </span> <br></div><!-- TITLE CLIP -->
filing system

The Recycle Blog

This blog file becomes a basis. Any person can recycle the file to write their own new blog. The reader becomes the writer. It's easy, and packed with features. BYTE filing system included.

This File Uses BYTE

The filing system

that doesn't bite.

File naming is important for organization and fundamental to a successful writing system.

BYTE is a file management system which allows you to keep track of written drafts and other component parts. This facilitates location of your written works for the purpose of combining them or reworking them at a later date.

When you save your draft work using the BYTE system it will be saved with a correctly ranked date and time stamp. Drafts are organized based on their type.

BYTE types:


Table of Contents

The file names alone are used to produce a table of contents that is viewable from your file manager, without the need to open any file.


Table of Contents/Notes

This is a good place to make a list of the base names of the contents of BYTE 3 4 5 6 7. We save files in this section with leading numerals. This produces an ordering in our file system. We can then input the base names of written works as the file names. That way we can recall the names easily.


Title Component Clips

This will be the leading name of title clip component parts. When we wish to retain a title component, it will be saved under this name, followed by the name of the work, and then the ranked date and time. We can then nominate specific, preferred title components in BYTE.1 or BYTE.2


Full HTML draft, not finalized

This will be the base name of an accumulation of draft written works. They will be saved in a format that will allow them to be edited directly without difficulty. This section could become large so, it is important to make note of the base names of new written works using BYTE.1 or BYTE.2


Draft HTML Particles

The title component, the title link component, the date and time, the description, the paragraph, and the footer will be saved as isolated components. This will facilitated transfer into another program for additional processing(emptyFile?).


Draft of Body (for translation)

Draft copies are collected here before translation and finalization of the files. This has been set up to become integrated with the emptyFile system. The head and tail of the HTML document will be managed through the emptyFile system. This way all components can be translated, including appropriate meta data and OG tags.


A collection for links

The links can be made by clicking the little icon below the title block. The chosen URL will wrap the title component in a link. The link itself can then be reused.

Choose the locale

This program has eight locale presets, accessible through button inputs.

If the language code is blank, the user language is read in using navigator. The locale information can also be entered manually. This information will stay the same, still ready for the next webpage.

The locale information will be transferred into the meta data locations in the page header. The OG tags will also be completed.

 Built In File Naming

The built in file naming is very important and this program makes it very easy to maintain.

The basic file name has component parts that it is made up of. The base webpage name is the leading and first component of the file name. The file names will have the following structure:

page name

-page number

-language code


All pages will be saved as HTML documents. The page numbers will be handled automatically by using the +1 BLOG button. By using this, we can save a series of pages that will be connected through links that are automatically inputted into the left and right arrows.

That way it is easy for the reader to cycle between webpages.

Sequential Links

The sequential links can be used to produce index pages for a webpage seriesTo do this, we must enter the first file name and then we can add all links that are part of the numerical series.

Email the page

The page can be sent as email using the buttons at the top of the program. The email has an option for using text only or HTML. This is a convenient thing for people who like to keep records through emailing.

filing system



