The empty file program has no ads, does not collect information and can be operated completely offline. Moreover, it costs nothing to acquire, and there are no agreements for its use, or any service. The program becomes yours. No login or other tricks required. True freedom.
empty file

emptyFile mailStack a1Export zuluMacro

What is the empty file program? And what does it help to do?

These are good questions.

We can use the empty file program for many different things. Some of the most notable of those things are: email, 
collect website, send information to our friends.

download empty file with this link. The file is compressed and in 'zip' format. It is about 400-500 KB in size. These are small.

By using empty file we can do those things easily, and we can also translate email before it is sent, this way it will be in the language of our friend before it arrives. This is a good thing. We may also translate our web pages before we post them on the website. If we learn how to use it, the emptyFIle program will internally tag the language of the web page, and also create a handy 'sitemap.xml' file for us. Of course, to do this, you need to understand yourself what those things are, and how they are used. The program is not magical, but it is convenient and useful.

For someone who already knows about website building, you will know that it is difficult and time consuming to put together an entire sitemap by hand, one page at a time. An easier method is provided using emptyFIle.

To read more, touch the next square. When you do, it will 'take over' the screen. This is one of the new features recently added to the empty file program. Try it and see for yourself:

Small squares
How do we make it?
The small boxes
are normally in empty file.
They can be used at any time
and for any purpose. For work, school,
or just for fun.