


Welcome To

24.09.06     18:31:03






The general focus of this website will be to provide tutorial experiences and references for both the emptyFile program and the recycle blog.

Initially I must work to advance the body of this work. To date I have produced very little explanatory material detailing the use of these programs.

A user first encountering the emptyFile program might find it to be baffling or difficult. This is not clear to me how the program will be received.
So, clearly there needs to be material accompaniment to the program to support knowledge, usage, and breadth of adoption.

These sorts of tutorial can be adapted in a variety of ways, using a plethora of means.

To provide a low bandwidth graphical representative method, I will most likely continue to employ "mock buttons" as a chief mode of example.

As the tutorial subjects become more advanced, low resolution monochrome '.png' images may be an adequate replacement. This will keep the required bandwidth to a minimum and allow for a greater portability in the pedagogical companion material.

When examined only briefly, we have instant expectations circumspect about the capabilities of such implementations as these.

Keyword Replacements

In-Browser Translations

HTML Particle Assembly

These are all well know, and fully attainable goals for a successful website or blog management. Remaining is the exploration and distillation of the methods for combining this available means into a credible and feasible assembly process.

What will be the correct order of operations? Can we 'just wing it'?

My guess is, ABSOLUTELY YES.

If we are determined to accomplish some task, and we are ready to 'hack our way through', this program will show no disadvantages.

Welcome to dckim.org
Home of the emptyFile RecycleBlog duality. The two programs that compliment each other. Soon the compliment will be optimized through a backward re-evaluation of the emptyFile project.










DCKIM.ORG coming soon:
"a complete tutorial experience"
DCKIM.ORG coming soon:
"a complete tutorial experience"