



24.09.04     very early morning

blog_index 20.0kb 27.3kb

This file is recyclable! The intention of this blog file is to facilitate the writing of blogs, and to promote writing such as any person desires. The file itself can be reused by pressing the 'x' button. You will then have the same style of blog. Happy blogging!

You have found the updates page! Here I am first giving a description of this blog file. The next pages will contain the updates in the form of a blog. This file has been made to be universal. Any person who finds this blog file can use the 'x' button that is directly above the title. When this is done, the whole blog file becomes cleared out, and the inputs become editable. It is then possible to enter our own information for our own blog. The date and time are entered automatically. If we do not wish to have the date and time, we can erase that information. We can change the title, this will become the new page title.

We can enter a new description and a new footer if we wish. The bar on the bottom is also editable.

We can switch the color scheme between dark and light. The buttons for this are at the bottom left and right. Also notice that there are transparent buttons available that will cycle up and down through the page. These buttons are at the left and right in landscape orientation, or at the bottom in portrait orientation. Of course, swiping the screen remains possible.

After we are finished writing our message into the new blog, we must be sure to write in the correct name of the previous blog file, the current blog file, and the next blog file. If we upload these all into the same place on our website, it is not a problem if we have the file name only. We do not necessarily need the complete URL address.

If we take care to enter the file name information correctly, we will have a successful blog, and readers will be able to link between the current blog and the previous or next blog in our sequence. The file name of the blog is written directly on the page, so it should be easy for us to remember if we forget what the last name was. We can simply look at our blog and cycle to the latest one.

After uploading it, we can check that it is working. Of course, the future name will not yet be uploaded and will direct us to an error page.

This file can also be used without a website, simply as a convenient format for writing our daily journals or whatever we wish. Of course, the resulting file can then be sent and shared with friends by email attachment, or other ways.

76.7kb 20.0kb 27.3kb








blogfile [+]
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blogfile [+]
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