24.09.06 07:13:48
The writer of the blog has the ability to choose the initial color scheme that the reader will first see. It is important, however, to notice that the reader can change from dark to light theme at any time.
This is a good, and advantageous, aspect. Both the writer and the reader are able to alter the color scheme. Though, it is the writer who has the first choice between the two available schemes. As is well known, lighting conditions throughout the day or night often necessitate changing between light and dark mode. Sometimes the Sun is too bright, and we can't see what's written. Other times battery power might be a consideration. It is both a matter of preference and sometimes pure necessity that we must be able to choose between light and dark mode.
If I keep writing to get one more short blog, I will be into the fully sequential numerical blogging system. This was the original intention. A sequence of numbers incremented each time allows a blogging system to emerge. It is so very interesting to be allowed to test the system while also utilizing that very same system.
At this moment, however strange it might seem, I am now writing a blog about writing a short program that enables the writing of blogs. That almost seems too good to be true.
There's some strange circular logic coming to the surface. I'm writing about what I'm writing about. I'm blogging about blogging. The subject of my blog is blogs.